A very important role in my life,
I can share and teach my experience
I've learned here with other kids.
I have done this for 9 years, sweeping through black diamonds.
Chess easily goes through my brain as
I try to go for glory and preeminence.
I hope to use programming at my future placement.
Who said you had to be pro at a sport
to love it more than what you're best at?
My favorite team ever. It is fun watching their stars play!
...when they're healthy...
Understanding the world is one thing,
memorizing ones capitals/flags/countries is something else.
One of the best board games.
It can end relationships and ruin friendships.
That's the best part >:)
Most played game, increases your mental reflexes really well.
Most competitive game, I have actually went to
tournaments to achieve mild preeminence.
Best games to play with friends-only games to play with friends.
Imagine having a playlist with a lot
of the songs by the same artist.
This is the best artist. TheFatRat.
Christmas brings joy and brightens the month.
It really is the best time of the year.
Best ride of all time.
If you feel sick or sad from another ride
come to velocicoaster. You will feel better.
The king of all food. Indian food.